My interest in running stems from my love for our community and a desire to contribute positively to its future. I live in Aliso Viejo with my wife Erica and daughter Luna. As a proud parent and resident of this extraordinary community, I want to actively support its mission to be the best place possible.

Background & Focus  

I am a Cal State graduate in economics with a minor in mathematics. I work as a Director of Technology and have spent my career leading teams across industries, from Architecture to BioTech. During the tenure of my career, I have also been responsible for managing multimillion dollar budgets effectively. This includes staffing, capital expenditures, and operating expenses. Fiscal responsibility is an issue I care about, and I am confident that I can ensure that our city’s budget is managed responsibly.

In addition to my professional experience, I currently serve as a member of the Wood Canyon Elementary School Site Council that oversees the allocation of all Title I funding.

Keeping an open dialogue with our local schools and making certain that the children of Aliso Viejo are getting an excellent education is important to me. Our children are the future. Supporting and nurturing community within our district will always be a priority for me. 

On my spare time, I take in the natural beauty of our city on foot or on my bike and patronize the local businesses. Aliso Viejo is the home to wonderful parks and trails. I believe that keeping them clean and safe is essential to a thriving community. I also believe that a strong local economy begins with a rich range of businesses. Keeping our environment friendly to small businesses while maintaining our unique charm will also be a key focus of mine.

Thank you for your consideration. It would be a great honor to serve on the Aliso Viejo City Council. I hope to earn your vote.

Hello. I’m Arthur, and I’m running for Aliso Viejo City Council.